Azienda Agricola Boasso Franco - Gabutti

Gepubliceerd op 25 maart 2024 om 09:41

Exploring Boasso Franco : A Legacy of Elegance

Nestled in the heart of Italy's Piedmont region lies a wine of unparalleled elegance and heritage: Boasso Franco. This illustrious wine embodies centuries of wine making tradition, boasting a rich history, distinct grape varietals, and a unique style that captivates wine enthusiasts worldwide.

A Storied Legacy:

The story of Boasso Franco dates back to the 19th century when the Boasso family established their winery in the renowned Barolo wine-growing region. With a deep reverence for the land and a commitment to quality, the Boasso family meticulously tended to their vineyards, laying the foundation for what would become a revered name in the world of wine.

Kind of Grapes:

At the heart of Boasso Franco lies the Nebbiolo grape, revered for its bold character and ability to express the terroir of the region. Grown in the nutrient-rich soils of Piedmont, these grapes undergo a meticulous cultivation process, ensuring optimal ripeness and flavor development. The result is a wine of exceptional complexity and depth, with notes of ripe cherry, truffle, and earth, characteristic of the Nebbiolo varietal.

Unique Style:

What sets Boasso Franco apart is its unmistakable style—a harmonious balance of power and finesse. Crafted using traditional winemaking techniques passed down through generations, each bottle of Boasso Franco exudes sophistication and refinement. Aged in oak barrels for extended periods, the wine develops layers of complexity, with velvety tannins and a lingering finish that leaves a lasting impression.


In the world of fine wine, Boasso Franco stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Italian wine making. From its humble beginnings to its status as a symbol of excellence, this remarkable wine continues to captivate connoisseurs with its rich history, distinct grape varietals, and unparalleled style. Whether enjoyed on a special occasion or savored with a gourmet meal, Boasso Franco offers a taste of tradition and elegance that transcends time.


Druivensoort: 100% Nebbiolo
Beplant: 2000 
Oppervlakte: 0,40 ha 
Bodem: kleiachtig met tufsteenmergel 
Hoogte: 300 meter 
Blootstelling: west-zuid/west 
Productie: 80 kwintaal ha

Vinificatie: fermentatie in contact met de schil in staal gedurende 20 dagen met ondergedompelde dop maceratie gedurende 15 dagen
Rijping: 50 maanden in eikenhouten vaten van 20 hl


Kleur: intens robijnrood, levendig en helder
Parfum: complex, overtuigend, kruidig, rood bessenfruit
Smaak: aanhoudend, vers fruit, rijk en complex
Serveertemperatuur: 18-20°C
Gastronomische combinaties: tweede gangen met vlees, wild, gerijpte kazen.

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